NOTE: The Qubicle voxel editor is now Depricated. This post is provided for legacy information. We highly recommend that you build your voxel art using Mega Voxels.
Welcome everyone! In this post we’ll show you how to install Qubicle for macOS and Windows computers. Qubicle is a powerful voxel software created by Minddesk for creating voxel art! It is has become a favorite amongst many renown game developers!
To learn more about Qubicle and the features it has view our post Qubicle Voxel Editor
Getting Started
First you will need to download the Qubicle installer to your computer. Head on over to the official download page for Qubicle. Once there you will see different purchase options:

As of today, Qubicle is offered at two different price tiers. The first is for Indie artists/developers that make less that $80,000 (USD) in annual revenue. The second is for professional studios that make more than that amount. If you’re still trying to determine if Qubicle is right for you, there is a nifty free option that you can try. Scroll down all the way to the bottom of the page. There you will see the option to try Qubicle for free. To try it you will need a free Steam account.

The demo version has all the features of the full version except the export options. This does allow you to get a good feel for the software and even allows you to save your files. The nice thing is when you do buy Qubicle you can open the files you made with the demo version, no problem.